
Falun Dafa in the Inland Northwest
Eastern Washington – Idaho – Montana

Welcome to the Inland Northwest Falun Dafa (Falun Gong) website! We hope that this information will be helpful to you…

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How do I get started?

Learn the exercises – Local practice sites offer free classes. You are welcome to call or email anyone listed on the local practice sites page for more information or directions. We will be happy to help you.

Learning in person is preferred, but free exercise instruction videos are also available. Falun Dafa books are available free, online. The introductory book is entitled “Falun Gong.” Please visit the FalunDafa.org website for complete information.

Local Events & News – Each time local practitioners participate in an event, such as an exercise demonstration or a parade, we try to post a report and photographs here. These Events & News appear in chronological order with the most recent at the top. If you’re viewing a list of multiple events, click on the event title to see the entire post along with pictures. Clicking on the picture thumbnails will display larger pictures.

Local Practitioners Share Experiences – These articles were written by practitioners, and describe why they like Falun Gong, their experiences while cultivating, and what they have learned from the practice. These are an especially good reference for new or potential practitioners to learn about the benefits of Falun Dafa.